

Your rent and service charges are changing from April 2024

Every year we review our rent and service charges so we can provide you a good quality and safe home. Rising costs for providing our services means we need to increase our rent and service charges from April 2024. We have sent you a letter explaining more and to confirm what your new charges will be.

Paying your rent in 2024. It’s a 53 week year. 

Your letter also includes confirmation that this upcoming financial year is a 53 week rent year, instead of 52 weeks. This means that you will need to change your payments to cover the extra week.

You can read more about how this impacts you here.

We’re here to support you.

We know times are tough for many. If you’re worried about paying your new charges and the extra week’s rent, please get in touch with our Income and Advice team. There are lots of things they can do to support you and provide advice on.  You can contact them by calling 0300 323 0011 or email customer@moat.co.uk

Visit our cost-of-living support page for further guidance and advice.

If you pay your rent...
  • weekly go to 0.28s
  • by monthly direct debit go to 0.42s
  • monthly excluding direct debit go to 0.49s
  • every 4 weeks go to 1.17s
  • by Universal Credit go to 1.36