
Tenant satisfaction measures

How your feedback about our services will keep us accountable to you.

New measures to improve your housing experience

Every year we carry out customer surveys to understand how you feel about our services. In April 2023, we changed the questions we ask and how we ask them. We’ve made these changes due to new requirements from the Regulator of Social Housing.

The Regulator has introduced new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) to assess how well social landlords are providing quality homes and services. It’s great news for our customers because it means you can see exactly how we’re performing and what we’re doing to improve areas of dissatisfaction. 

How it will work

Like all housing associations, we’ll report on 22 performance measures across five key areas:

  1. Keeping properties in good repair
  2. Maintaining building safety
  3. Effective handling of complaints
  4. Respectful and helpful engagement
  5. Responsible neighbourhood management

We'll carry out customer satisfaction surveys which will tell us how satisfied you are with our services in these key areas. We’ll submit these scores to the Regulator annually along with management information about areas of our service like repairs, complaints, and safety.

Providing your feedback

To collect feedback impartially, we’re working with a company called TLF Research who survey our customers monthly and will speak to 2,400 customers over the year. These customers are randomly selected regardless of whether they rent, own part of their home, or live in our over 55s schemes. 

70% of our surveys are done over the phone and 30% online - we've chosen this method to allow customers to provide their feedback in a way they're comfortable with. 

If you’re contacted by TLF Research, we encourage you to respond and give honest feedback on your customer experience. We welcome this opportunity to learn, improve and provide the best service possible. If you've had great service from a member of the Moat team, please let us know, too - we'd love to share this feedback with them.

In the future, the Regulator will also be conducting independent surveys with a randomly selected group of social housing customers. If contacted, please respond - the Regulator's surveys are another opportunity for your voice to be heard and for us to identify areas for improvement.

Using your feedback

Every year, we'll publish our TSM scores so you have regular and clear sight of our performance. We'll publish the first set of scores in Spring 2024.

We're continuously analysing what you tell us to see what's working well and where we can do better. We'll share our findings every year, along with the steps we’ve taken to deliver a better customer experience. The Regulator also uses your insight to highlight improvements needed across the housing sector.