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Anti-social behaviour and hate crime

We want your home and communities to continue to be great places to live without fear of harassment, alarm, or distress. But sometimes anti-social behaviour (ASB) and hate crime stops this from happening. And when it does, we want to know about it. Because there are lots we can do to help.

What is anti-social behaviour (ASB)?

ASB is defined as: ‘Acting in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm, or distress to one or more persons not of the same household’.

Whether it’s aggressive behaviour, nuisance, or illegal activity, we know that ASB can seriously affect the quality of your lives and impact you in different ways. When you report ASB, we treat all reports seriously and we make sure we understand the impact of each incident, treating everyone fairly.  

In this section you'll find useful information on what ASB is and how we will investigate and tackle reports of ASB.