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Please get in touch if you’re thinking about getting a pet so we can check your tenancy or lease agreement.

Pets can be a great source of companionship and enrich our lives. They can also offer health and social benefits to their owners. We want you to experience the benefits of pet ownership, while making sure your pet doesn’t have a negative impact on neighbours.

Requesting and giving or refusing permission

Please get in touch if you’re thinking about getting a pet so we can check your tenancy or lease agreement and confirm if it’s alright for the pet to live with you.

Our aim is to approve all pet requests wherever we can.

You may keep small animals such as fish, hamsters and non-poisonous insects in a small cage or tank without seeking our permission.

However, for some blocks of flats, where we’re not the owner of the building, there may be clauses within the lease agreement which say that pets, or certain types of pets, can’t live in the building or homes.

To find out more, please see our pet policy.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about our policy or wish to seek permission, please get in touch.

Contact us